Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)

 This training is APPROVED by PACFA for PACFA Clinical Members​.   

Explanation of STEPPING UP model Elements 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 

As part of their pre-course study, each student will be required to read the academic text “The Practice of Clinical and Counselling Supervision", 2017 Nadine Pelling, and Phil Armstrong, from Australian Academic Press. This text lays the foundation for the three -day workshop. Pre-workshop Minimum of 88 hours to read the text and answer the 20 questionnaire,plus write a 500-word essay on the book


  • Conducted as a 3 day, interactive total package following a pre-course reading and questionairre plus online video.
  • Specific training and a deeper understanding of Professional Supervision for clinical practices.
  • Understanding the rights and responsibilities of both the Supervisee and Supervisor.
  • Up-skilling to better carry out Professional Supervision of your team or individuals.
  • Collaborative and practical based training.
  • This course meets the PACFA Supervisor Registration training criteria  
  • Study materials included in the investment.
  • pathway to register as a supervisor with PACFA

The Certificate of Attainment in Individual and Group Supervision Course is made up of 4 Elements of training:

1.         Reading the textbook and completing a questionnaire of 20 questions (minimum 90% pass mark) based on the contents of the textbook and a reflective essay on the text.

2.         Watch a video that runs for a 1/2 hour that explain the theory of Supervision. There is a 10 question assessment form to be completed.

3.         3-day face to face classroom work, that includes 2 workbooks.

Day 1. PowerPoint presentation on facilitaing supervision groups followed by interactive group work,

Day 2.Discussion supervision case scenerious plus  individual Supervision practice

Day 3. A formal assessment process that involves;

  1. Delivering an actual 60-minute Supervision session.  
  2. Critiquing a Supervision session.
  3. Being a Supervisee in a Supervision session

4.    PACFA Online section:  STS will send a Email to the participant with the information and instrucions that reqiuires the Student to deliver 6 Supervised Supervision Sessions, using the skills learned from The "STEPPING Up model "  with full support from STS Trainers. 

Note:   Formal assessments are conducted in real-time, face to face in front of a registered and qualified Optimise Potential assessor. Role-plays are not allowed.

Total nominal hours of training including assessment = 136 hours

  • Full fee $1300 per person...

Please go to the contact us page to register your interest or Email: [email protected]